Boy oh boy have we had a lot of rain. But it has never rained on a Seed Run. Last Wednesday, despite it being our 13th run on 13th March, it was a beautiful evening. The birds sang their night chorus as we chatted about startups and ran around Regent’s Park. That makes it sound like it was a walk in the park. The reality was far from relaxing. We had a battle at the front, a struggle in the middle and a first time 5Ker putting in an awesome first ever performance. Well done everybody for putting in the effort. Post run we headed back to Fred’s office for his usual generous hospitality in his stunning office. Lots of familiar faces and newcomers, all buzzing after their 5k exertion. This time, our trusty aspiring journalist caught up with two investors. Dan Shellard from Breega (who coincidentally I shared an office with in 2010!), and Lorenzo Borsi, cofounder of Angel Syndicate Elementary. See their interviews below. If you’d like to be on our Runner’s Wall, just drop me an email and I will arrange an interview. Happy running. Henry