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And there was I thinking we did not need an office. Nobody told me you could have two beer taps serving Neck Oil and Moretti. Time to update those numbers in the business plan. Thank you Stride.VC for hosting us last night. What a truly stunning venue. More boutique hotel than corporate office. And with beer taps. Very generous of you, everyone had the best time. Another thank you to all of you. We raised £1,000 for the $1KProject. The money will go directly to a family in Ukraine affected by the war, and will have an immediate tangible impact on their life. I had planned to play a personal video that Alex Iskold recorded for us. He is the founder of the $1KProject and also 2048 Ventures in NYC. Do listen to the video, at 2mins 47 he says that if any runners want to connect to either get feedback or if you're fundraising, you can get his details from me.
Seed Runners