Another amazing Seed Run in the sunshine, thank you all for making it such a fun evening. First, thank you Fred Destin for donating £5,000 to the 1KProject, so generous as always. We also raised $1000, thank you to everyone who donated so generously. You can see their thank you for last month’s donation here (photo of Iryna’s family below). If you did not manage to donate and want to now, you can do so directly here (you can select any amount, it does not have to be $1K!) Ben and Dom, founders at Runna, have also very kindly offered a 2 week free trial to Runna. The app gives you a personalised training programme for whatever goal you choose. Personally, I will be focusing on my 5k so that I can beat Fred next time (see below!). All you need to do is enter SEEDRUN when you sign up. For each person who signs up after the free trial, they will donate £25 to the $1KProject.
Seed Runners - we missed lots of people at sign in. Please let me know if you came and did not make this list.